Venue, gastronomy and practical informationThe workshop will be held in "Pole Montagne (click here)" building Technolac Campus, on the commune of Le Bourget du Lac Pôle MontagneBoulevard Mer CaspienneSavoie Technolac BP 35173377 LE BOURGET DU LAC CEDEXGPS coordinate: +45° 38' 26.76" +5° 52' 22.23"How to reach Technolac campus from abroad?
Good Food! Good food is vital for French people or they get even more grumpy... For lunch we will favor local, organic food taken on-site, to keep awake and healthy during work time. For dinner, we will bring you exploring solid, local mountain food to experience the plenitude of sharing UNESCO-labelled gastronomic meal [that] is a customary social practice for celebrating important moments. Some hotels in Chambéry Those hotels are convenient as they are close to Chambéry train and bus station Reasonnable budget Bit more classy Chambéry is a touristic town, so there are plenty other offers you can browse from: |
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