By author > Gillson Lindsey

A safe operating space for humanity? How palaeoecology can help us to plant the seeds of a sustainable Anthropocene
Lindsey Gillson  1, *@  
1 : Plant Conservation Unit, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town
HW Pearson Building University of Cape Town Private Bag X3 Rondebosch 7701 South Africa -  South Africa
* : Corresponding author

Global environmental challenges can only be addressed by multifaceted approaches that integrate biodiversity conservation with sustainability targets. While multi-disciplinary research is helping to define a safe operating space for humanity, as yet there is relatively little use of palaeoecological data in defining how close we are to environmental and ecological tipping points.

In this keynote talk, I will argue that a past-present-future perspective is vital to developing realistic future scenarios, and in informing management options that maintain and restore ecological function, and that sustain biodiversity and ecosystem services.

 Fig Lindsey

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